Hey guys, so it's come to my attention, due to how the series has been preforming. After the completion of Dream Tear 3, the series may roll back into comics and possibly an anime adaption, based on how things go with the games. There will still be game titles, but due to life and how things have been going in general, despite the great artwork, and help I've been having with things. It just seems better to keep the series moving, without all lost time and blood that goes into creating these games. I can understand it takes time for things to really hit the for front, but it's been years, and I'm starting to see the writing on the wall. If not games, then perhaps something a lot less stressful, so we'll see. I do hope you all enjoy Dream Tear 3, when it releases, but after, I'll be focusing on some other projects and may just keep the series as comics, but that depends on how everything goes so. Thanks again everyone and keep classy.
Also the Dream Tear ER youtube page, has been formed into just a WindGear project page, so soon, you can find other projects, as well music, streams of games etc. I'll be getting everything together more as time presents itself.
(Click image to view youtube page)